Thursday, August 8, 2013
Day 53... a little more normal
My last doctor appointment went pretty well. All my incisions are healed and look good. My mouth opening is not within normal range. It should be at 30mm by now but I am at 26mm. I know that isn't much but it takes a lot of work to get it there. In the morning my opening shrinks after all night with it closed. I have to use a heat pad to help loosen the muscles and stretch my jaw 5 times a day. I am starting work soon , so I hope I can do it. I am still numb on my chin and parts of my lower lip. I have some tingly feeling in it which is a good sign. He said that in 6 to 9 months my jaw should be back to normal and I will be able to eat anything! WOOHOO!
Driving is feeling more normal and I am doing it more often. I am starting to get into a normal schedule. My hubby and I went on my first big outing a couple of days ago. I was feeling more normal and I had more energy. It was free museum day in the city and we spent 2 and 1/2 hours walking around the museum. We then went down to fisherman's wharf and had clam chowder in a bread bowl! It was so yummy and I could eat some of the soft bread! We did some more walking and had fresh mini donuts for dessert (they were super soft). After all that I was exhausted. We still had grocery shopping to do on the way home. Even though , Derek said he could go in and do it by himself. I went in. Needless to say on the way home I feel asleep! It was only 6:30pm. So I guess I am not completely back to normal, but I am getting there....
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Day 36...
Another question, I get asked a lot is have you noticed has the surgery helped any problems you had before the surgery. Well I feel like it is still to early to tell. I still have some numbness on my lower lip and chin. I also continue to have some jaw pain when I wake up. So It is hard to tell about the quality of my sleep. My husband says he notices that I don't really snore that much anymore which is amazing since I was the girl that friends would not want to sleep in the same room as because I snored too loud. So that is happy! Also, It is easier to close my lips.
I started driving about a week ago. My first trip was to the library about 25minutes away. It felt a little awkward, I noticed I was a little more cautiously. I was tired when I came home. My second trip to the library a couple of days ago was a lot better and I didn't feel too tired afterward.
All things considered, I am well on my way in my recovery!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Day 25... Slow and Steady
Last weekend, I was well enough to go to a friend's wedding. I had a great time, but I could definitely tell I was far from being back to normal. At the reception, I was able to eat some sweet potatoes, butternut squash raviolis and gelato, but it was so hard seeing and smelling delicious steak and chicken. I was able to get on the dance floor a few times, but if you know me, I would have been on the dance floor all night if I could. I couldn't move too much when I dance because it would shake my jaw. I was exhausted when we got home but was so happy I could make it!
We have been blessed to have our church bring some meals for Derek and I. These meals have helped change things up and have given me more variety. Also, some of my coworkers came to visit. It has been such a treat having people visit me while Derek is at work. I think this has been the most visitors we have had while we lived here.I know it isn't easy for people to come to our house as we live 30+ minutes from people and the roads are not as easy to travel on. We are so thankful for all the prayers, meals, emails, cards, calls, texts, and time people have given to help me in this recovery process. We thank God for the people He has brought into our lives. Life is so much better with community. I wondered how things would go, having this surgery when we live far away from family, friends and "town." I knew it might be a little more challenging, but with God all things are possible. It has been difficult at times, but God has been so faithful!
Surgery has a way of humbling you and striping you down to your core, at least it has for me. You often become dependent on others and you are not able to do day to day tasks on your own. When you have to have someone help feed you, brush your hair, or help you take a shower, it gives you a different perspective. Add some pain to the situation and your niceness often gets pealed away. I realized how I was easier to react and get upset over small things. I am so thankful for my husband taking care of me during this surgery and everyone who took care of me during my back surgery. Surgery makes you think of all the blessing around and in your life.
Monday, July 1, 2013
2 weeks ...
I was able to go to church on Sunday and it was great to see people. Everyone was surprised to see me. I was able to stay through the whole service. We even went to a friends house afterward. I was exhausted afterward. I went home to take a nap but it was good to get out of the house.
I am able to do more independently now, which is good because my husband goes back to work in 2 days. God bless him, he has taken good take of me. I am a little overwhelmed at the thought of doing everything by myself , but thankfully Derek works where we live so he can come home at a phone call (most of the time). Also, my church is going to help with meals and some friends are going to come visit. I know I will be fine. I am so glad I do not have to go back to work until August! Yay for more recovery time.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Day 11 Unwired...OH HAPPY DAY!
Day 9 & 10...
Monday, June 24, 2013
Day 8 ...moving on up
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Day 6 and 7... On the upside
I slept pretty good last night. I woke up after 4hrs, changed my ice, drink some food and went back to sleep for another 4hrs. That was happy. You know sitting this much and only able to sleep in one position can be painful for most people, but with someone that has chronic back pain (rods and fusion) it is horrible. It is affecting every part of my body. My legs, arms, and neck are so tight. I try and lay down flat and do some mild stretches but it is so painful and takes a lot of energy. Derek ( my husband) has been wonderful through it all. He gives me small massages and is so patient with me. Even in the hospital a nurse commented on how I have a great husband. I am so thankful to God for my Husband. He has been such a blessing to me. I feel so bad that he has to go through this.
Day 7 has been a little easier and I feel like I am going to keep improving. I haven't felt dizzy or nauseous. It was easier to do some walking around the house. I had my first bowel movement today and I did a little dance. So glad that is out of my worries and No more prune juice! My tummy doesn't hurt anymore when I eat. Woohoo! I really can't believe it has only been a week since my surgery. It feels like months. So glad that hopefully the hardest week is under my belt. Thanks family and friends for all your prayers and love! I will load some pics up a little later!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Day 4 & 5... Roller-coaster
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Day 2 & 3... Swelling and Pain
Well before we were discharged from the hospital we asked for more pain medicine and nausea meds. It was a rough ride home. We live over an hour from the hospital and some of the road is rough and bumpy. Even parts I didn't think was bumpy I could feel rattle and jar my face. Praise the Lord I didn't throw up or get too nauseous. They only gave me Tylenol with codeine for pain and that just didn't cut it. Also, it tasted so gross I had to put it in a glass of juice. My nose became stuffy and would often bleed. This made it harder for me to breath. I often had to remind myself to calm down and breath slowly. Nasal spray and Vaporizer were my friends. Because I was so stuffy, I didn't want anything with milk in it such as ensure. I tried diluted soup but it was too thick. I could only get down juices because I was too swollen. Drinking takes 40 minutes for 9 ounces. I can't feel my face so I am often drooling or having juice spill out. So needless to say getting enough calories is a challenge and I was so hungry. I tried sleeping on a wedge but this made me more stuffy. I slept about3 hours that night. My husband called in for better pain meds and once we got that I was able to sleep more and began feeling better. Nurse says the swelling will increase over the next 5 days. Really I can't see how I can get any more swollen. I am constantly icing my face and sipping out of a sippy cup. Well I am glad I have 3 days under my belt.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Day after
Doctors say everything went well. I slept a good amount. When I woke up I was quite nauseous and they gave me meds to help. I have not thrown up yet. I am in a lot of pain , but they give me pain meds pretty often when I ask. It is a crazy feeling. I have remind myself to keep calm and not panic because having your jaw wired shut makes you feel claustrophobic. Also I have been a mouth breather for as long as I can remember and now I have to breath through my nose. I feel like I don't get enough oxygen. It is really hard and frustrating not to talk with nurses or my husband. I had trouble looking into the mirror because I was so swollen I could hardly recognize myself. I know it is strange but I don't want to leave the hospital because they can control my pain and are here if anything goes wrong. Yet it will be nice to be in my own bed and at home. I should be leaving this afternoon 6/18. Peace out friends. Thanks for praying and the support.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
The Day Before Surgery...Enjoy the Simple Things
As I think about this surgery, It is hard not to reflex on my back surgery. It was a life changing surgery and the hardest time in my life. Yes, jaw surgery is suppose to be a walk in the park compared to my double back surgery, but this surgery is still going to be not fun. I know pain, the kind of pain that is all consuming and takes control of your whole body. One thing back surgery did was make me appreciate the little things in life. During my back surgery, I had to learn how to walk again, I had to have someone help me shower, bathe, and dress myself (to name just a few). I realized these things come so easy to many of us and we don't appreciate it. I think this surgery will make me appreciate eating solid food, sleeping on my side, drink from a "normal" cup, kissing my husband, and talking effortlessly. There are many things in life we take for granted, so here's to enjoying the small things in life. And so my jaw surgery journey begins...
- Ice packs (or even a frozen bag of peas at least 2)
- Sippy cups/squirt bottle (preferably ones with soft tops)
- Blender
- Vaseline and/or lip balm
- Baby toothbrushes
- Baby spoons
- Blended Soups
- Broths
- Puddings
- Juices
- Milk
- Frozen fruit
- Humidifier/vaporizer (you can't blow your nose for 6 weeks)
- Kosher Salt to make Nasal spray or buy Nasal Spray
- Other drinking cups, condiment bottles cut
- Wedge sleeping pillow
- Back pillow (Bed Buddy)
- Bibs/Face cloths ( Or I cut up old T-shirts)
- Wheat Germ ( to add to smoothies)
- Prune Juice or Smooth Move Tea
- Wisp brushes
- Gatorade
- Ice Cream/Sherbert
- Yogurt/Kefer
- Apple sauce
- Aquaphor (found in baby section of pharmacy for swelling)
- Bed Tray
- Pureed and Strained Soups ( I put them in muffin tins and frozen them)
Kleenex with Aloe or LotionWhat to Bring To Hospital:
- Button up or zip Top ( your face will be swelled)
- Drinking cups (sippy or squirt bottle)
- Comfy clothes
Friday, May 24, 2013
Info about Jaw Surgery
Jaw surgery is considered when orthodontics alone will not correct the bite. Orthodontics are used before and after the surgery to more teeth into a better position. I got my braces put on a little over a year before my surgery. Most people who have orthognathic surgery do have braces put on before the surgery.
They will use my braces during surgery to "wire" my jaw shut during the surgery. If you do not have braces they will put a metal bar in your mouth to wire your jaw after surgery. I am going to have both upper and lower jaw surgery. My maxillofacial surgeons (at least 2 surgeons are required for this surgery) will reposition the jawbones my lower jaw will "break" my jaw and move it forward and up. They will then remove a part of my upper jaw and move it up. They will use titanium plates to hold the jaw in place.
I had my pre-opp appointment and a 2 hour class on 5/28/2013. I must say that there are some good things about Kaiser. I think this class is important, especially if you never had any surgeries before. The nurse of the class didn't really leave anything to the imagination. I had done some research and I guess having had major back surgery most of the info wasn't new to me. I must say most of my fellow surgery buddies were quite shocked and on overload. She went through all the details of the surgery from start to finish which included I.V. needles, antithesis, side effects, doctors info, supplies, and after care. I received a "drink to your health" recipe book complete with calorie counts of the soups and smoothies. I will highlight a few things I learned that could be helpful for others going through similar surgery.
I will be wired shut for 10 days (This was a lot less than I was originally told. Yipee!) . The nurse would like us to drink at least 100 ounces of liquid and have about 2000 calories daily for woman or 2600 calorie for men. If you do not drink enough liquids you run the risk of being deyahrated and having a slower recovery. She said that this is where family members are important because we will not want to drink because it is painful and takes a long time. Family members/care takers will have to encourage and keep filling our cup.
PAIN, SWELLING, NUMBNESS and NAUSEA- You will be in pain and have a LOT and a lot of swelling (if you haven't done so you might want to look at other people's blogs who have before and after pictures). The nurse said that day 2-5 have the most swelling. You can also get bruising too. You will be numb after surgery. Nerves take a long time to heal. It takes about 3 months to a 1 yearfor most of your numbness to go away (sometimes even longer). There is a chance for you to have some little parts of your face stay numb. Many people do vomit after the surgery and it is fine ( I know I hate throwing up but the nurse said to not worry about it, be calm and breath deep). They do put a drug in your IV for nausea but it still happens
ICE, WALK & TALK- The nurse said that these will be key to a good recovery. Ice is most important 72 hours after surgery to help with swelling. After that it is mainly for pain relief.They want you to walk around which will help you heal. Also they want you to talk as soon as you can. I guess talking helps reduce the swelling and help your muscles. It will be painful and frustrating because you will have to repeat yourself a lot.
Surgery time and Hospital time- Both upper and lower jaw surgery will take about 2 1/2 to 4 hours (this is my surgery). Lower jaw surgery 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours, and just upper jaw surgery 1 hour to 2 1/2 hours . If you are having upper jaw surgery you will stay over night at the hospital and be discharged in the morning. If you are having lower jaw surgery only you will stay 1-3 hours after surgery and go home that day. This is according to Kaiser and might be different depending on your hospital or surgeons.
Upper jaw surgery seems a little more intensive and takes more recovery time. You also cannot blow your nose for 6 weeks. For any of the surgeries you cannot lift more than 5 pounds.
Time off- They suggest you take off about 6 weeks of work. Some people can go back earlier depending on your type of work. Also, they suggest that a family member take care of you for about 2 weeks ( some jobs allow family medical leave.)
Those were a few of the things talked about in the class.