Jaw Surgery Info

Double  (Bimax)Corrective Jaw Surgery or Orthognathic surgery

Jaw surgery is considered when orthodontics alone will not correct the bite. Orthodontics are used before and after the surgery to more teeth into a better position. I got my braces put on a little over a year before my surgery.

They will use my braces during surgery to "wire" my jaw shut during the surgery.  My Maxillofacial surgeons  will reposition the jawbones my lower jaw will move forward and they will remove a part of my upper jaw. They will use titanium plates to hold the jaw in place.


  1. Hi there! Did you have your work done at Kaiser Oakland? I just went through bimax 3 weeks ago with Dr. O'Ryan and noticed there are a few similarities in some of your posts (like the writing on the cheek... haven't seen that in anybody elses blogs outside of Kaiser Oakland patients for some reason!). Anyway, just stumbled on your blog today and hope all is going well with your recovery!

    1. Hi Ashley, yes I did in fact have my surgery at Kaiser Oakland. I had Dr. Fallah. When I was doing my research about the surgery, Kaiser seems to do it a little differently. I meant to update more after but life gets busy you know? Recovery is going well I am almost a year out and recovery is good. I am at the place where I am pretty much back to normal. I can pretty much eat everything. My jaw is a little tight in the morning as i clench and grind my teeth. Over all, it was a pretty quick recovery after the first few torturous weeks. I am so glad I had the surgery. It is so nice to not snore at night, being able to close my mouth completely without straining, and have my bite aligned. I was pleased with Kaiser except they didn't prepare for you not being able to talk after surgery to let the nurses know things. In the class the nurse said you would be able to talk some after, but I really wasn't able to say anything understandable at all until i was unwired. You are through the hardest part now, even though eating soft food does get boring. How are things going for you? How was your experience ?

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  3. Other Individuals who have bite problems & jaw misalignments will benefit the most from orthognathic surgery. Possible issues that should be evaluated by an oral surgeon include: TMJ pain / Jaw and neck pain, Facial imbalances etc.

    Jaw Surgery in Montreal
