Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 25... Slow and Steady

Sorry I haven't written in awhile, but there hasn't been anything to exciting that has happened. My recovery is slow but steady. At times I feel like nothing is really improving, but I do feel better.  I can open my mouth wide enough for one and half fingers to get in there. The goal in the next week is to be able open my mouth wide enough to get two fingers plus in it. What feels really slow is what I can eat. It hasn't changed too much since I have been unwired. I am still eating soft foods that I don't have to chew much. I was able to eat scrambled eggs and small pieces of muffins! It still takes a long time for me to eat. My swelling is almost all gone, I just have small swelling on my left side. My bruising is all gone.

 Last weekend, I was well enough to go to a friend's wedding. I had a great time, but I could definitely tell I was far from being back to normal. At the reception, I was able to eat some sweet potatoes, butternut squash raviolis and gelato, but it was so hard seeing and smelling delicious steak and chicken. I was able to get on the dance floor a few times, but if you know me, I would have been on the dance floor all night if I could. I couldn't move too much when I dance because it would shake my jaw. I was exhausted when we got home but was so happy I could make it!

We have been blessed to have our church bring some meals for Derek and I. These meals have helped change things up and have given me more variety. Also, some of my coworkers came to visit. It has been such a treat having people visit me while Derek is at work. I think this has been the most visitors we have had while we lived here.I know it isn't easy for people to come to our house as we live 30+ minutes from people and the roads are not as easy to travel on. We are so thankful for all the prayers, meals, emails, cards, calls, texts, and time people have given to help me in this recovery process. We thank God for the people He has brought into our lives. Life is so much better with community. I wondered how things would go, having this surgery when we live far away from family, friends and "town." I knew it might be a little more challenging, but with God all things are possible. It has been difficult at times, but God has been so faithful!  

 Surgery has a way of humbling you and striping you down to your core, at least it has for me. You often become dependent on others and you are not able to do day to day tasks on your own. When you have to have someone help feed you, brush your hair, or help you take a shower, it gives you a different perspective. Add some pain to the situation and your niceness often gets pealed away. I realized how I was easier to react and get upset over small things. I am so thankful for my husband taking care of me during this surgery and everyone who took care of me during my back surgery.  Surgery makes you think of all the blessing around and in your life.

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